Vanessa Valenti
Vanessa Valenti

My life's work is committed to plotting and creating new solutions for social change. 

In 2004 – the same year Facebook was born – I co-founded, a tiny blip of a blog that grew to become the largest online feminist community in the world. The experience hooked me, and I've been creating next generation ventures for social impact since. 

My favorite work involves collaborating and experimenting in new forms of movement-building. You can usually find me curating a crew of brilliant rabble rousers changing the world, helping a speaker step into their power on stage, or strategizing to pinpoint that one, stunning story that will amplify righteous work to the online masses. 


"Vanessa is that unique person who both has big, radical ideas and the everyday drive to make those ideas happen. And when the struggle gets real, she manages to infuse every situation with levity and, 
dare I say, joy."



About Vanessa.

Vanessa Valenti is CEO and co-founder of FRESH Speakers, a next generation speakers bureau focused on creating more inclusion and equity in thought leadership. She is also a Partner of Valenti Martin Media, a social change communications consultancy, and the co-founder and former Managing Editor of the award-winning blog

Vanessa has received multiple acknowledgments for her writing and activism, including being the recipient of the inaugural TED Residency and awarded the Hillman Prize for Exemplary Reporting that Fosters Social and Economic Justice. 

Over the last decade, Vanessa has worked with a range of institutions and organizations across the globe, including the Aspen Institute, TED, UN Women, the Clinton Foundation, Planned Parenthood and more, inspiring new forms of online movement-building, producing content development and curation, and delivering speaker coaching and storytelling. 

When she's not working, Vanessa is unplugging her two kids and a cat named Tweet in a little Hudson river town in upstate New York. 

